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    GPS What is it and how does it work

    GPS What is it and how does it work

    1. The original main purpose of GPS


    GPS was originally created to provide accurate positioning for the military, and it is still operated...

    What are the classifications of Gps receivers

    What are the classifications of Gps receivers

    The rapid development of GPS navigation and satellite positioning technology and the continuous expansion of application fields have prompted all parts of the world to attach great importance to...

    Positioning accuracy of GPS module

    Positioning accuracy of GPS module

      The positioning accuracy of the GPS module lies in many aspects, such as the clock error and track error of the communication satellites from the GPS system,...

    How do standalone GPS modules communicate?

    How do standalone GPS modules communicate?

    The GPS positioning module is also called the GPS receiving module. The independent GPS receiving module does not have a communication function. It only retrieves the current signal, and...

    Know what is GNSS testing?

    Know what is GNSS testing?

    The most basic GNSS test, that is, the key characteristic test of the GNSS receiver, includes:

    Time to First Fine Fix (TTFF)

    This is...
